HTEA Turkey is there for health tourism education when you need.

Our Mission

Meet the common needs of real individuals and institutions, operating directly or indirectly regarding relavant fields of health, culture, tourism, education, travel and transportation, facilitating their professional activities, ensuring mutual assistance, efficient and harmonious work, enabling non-governmental activities, and to ensure its development

Our Vision

To enhance and facilitate anything related to health, tourism and education in Turkey with collaborators from Turkey and abroad.


With our expert staff and knowledge; We offer the quality service and reasonable price advantage that Turkey offers with its solid health infrastructure, technology and qualified workforce, in both medical and aesthetic treatments and thermal health facilities.


With an experience of more than 30 years, we offer our knowledge and experience in every field of tourism (travel, accommodation, transportation, professional organizations, academic environment, etc.). For all of the tourism services that you need, you can request and get a design specifically for you.


For students who wants to come to Turkey from abroad to receive training in any field and do internships, we are able to provide services in every subject they may need until they graduate, from the application stage and/or until their internships are done. In addition, we assist and support professionals who want to gain experience in Turkey temporarily for professional development in the field of medicine, engineering and other branches, in line with our experience.